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Happy October, friends!

This year has gone by crazy fast for me, and it’s time for another of my sporadic newsletters. I spent this week outlining and drafting out some other new posts for the blog, so you will have new reading material soon. More herbal first aid articles, of course, and also a series on mullein and a new tea recipe series.

My blogs have been happily plugging along this year with very little input from me. Being able to solidify my work into a second income stream even after ditching social media has been super satisfying. Social media is not for me, and I’m thrilled to be free of it.

Everything has been doing well enough that my boyfriend is coming on board as my virtual assistant in the next month or so, which will also be a huge help and free me up to focus on writing.

I will be finished with my bachelor’s in communication in December, which will mean more time to get back to herbalism. Trust me, I’m counting down the days! My plan is to update my ko-fi page regularly once I’m done with school as an alternative to said social media.

And now for the news in a nutshell!

Things I’ve done so far this year

  • kept up with the herb garden
  • finished my 16hr Wilderness First Aid cert with Sam and Suchil over at The Human Path
  • earned my health coach certification (the missing piece I was looking for before beginning to work with clients again)
  • updated lots of older blog posts here

Things I’m planning for next year

  • working with clients again in some capacity (still working out details)
  • giving the blog more attention
  • more episodes of the Teacup Alchemy podcast
  • house hunting (hopefully with a few acres for gardening)

Everything still feels super overwhelming right now. I don’t know about you, but to me the continuing pandemic feels like a nightmare slog.

May your herbal journey continue to bring you blessings and comfort even in these trying times.

All the best,


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