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Our first day back at Wrens Nest went beautifully! My boyfriend  has been wanting to see the garden so he came along and gave me a hand. You can read the full post over at The Common Branch School, but I thought I would share some of the other pictures here. This is  a community space where people can gather to spend a few quiet moments meditating, enjoy a picnic lunch (yes, there are picnic tables!), and get to have some face time with the herbs they might be learning about elsewhere. Do you ever take a little time to observe a single plant? Focus on that plant and nothing else. It’s great for becoming aware of all the little details that make each plant unique, and helps boost your plant I.D. skills. Today, we spent a little time observing comfrey:

She seemed relieved to be out in the garden and out of that pot! Also mildly incensed that I pinched back blossoms so she would focus on rooting, but she’s a joy to be around.

We tucked the blossoms into the center of the walking labyrinth as a treat for anyone who might happen upon them today.  🙂

o check out the garden update to see the list of other herbs we planted today, and read about our adventures digging poke root! 
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