My family just isn't complete without pets. At the moment, that means multiple rescue kitties and our dog, Chaucer. Thankfully, they stay pretty healthy. However, being able to give them...
Today’s post is dedicated to the littles among us. So many people are looking for herbal information for the whole family, and I hope today’s article will help give you...
Today’s topic is all about herbs for the fellas. The most common herbs people think of when it comes to male health are herbs that support the prostate, but herbs...
This week on indieherbalist we will be investigating herbs and how they can be used to support women, men, and children, and also take a look at herbs for pets...
Not all herbs that support healthy immunity support the body in the same way. Do you know the difference between herbs for short- and long-term immune system support? This article...
When it’s working well, chances are you barely notice your digestive system; but digestion can be a big deal if things get even a little unbalanced! Although there are too...
Everyone's talking about adaptogens for energy, but they aren't the full story when it comes to herbs for energy! Several types of herbs support energy and keep fatigue at bay....